713-825-0649 (English) 713-440-3443 (Spanish)

Rachel's Vineyard-Houston, Tx
find healing after abortion
The sorrow you have shown shall have its reward, says the Lord.There is hope for your future! (Jeremiah 31:16-17)
713-825-0649 (English) 713-440-3443 (Spanish)
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The sorrow you have shown shall have its reward, says the Lord.There is hope for your future! (Jeremiah 31:16-17)
There is hope and healing after abortion. You are not alone...we are here to walk with you on your healing journey. We provide post abortion healing for all regardless of faith and religion.
Rachel's Vineyard Houston, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) dedicated to spiritual and emotional healing for all those whose lives have been affected by abortion. Abortion touches the lives of all those involved, not just the mother. At Rachel's Vineyard we address the traumatic effects in a confidential setting that offers hope, healing and encouragement. We strive to educate those who attend on the many ways post abortion trauma manifests itself in the lives of those involved.
Certain indicators of the need for help include:
Rachel's Vineyard Houston in partnership with the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston offers a safe place for those burdened by the emotional and spiritual scars from abortion. The weekend is a chance to begin the healing journey in a confidential and supportive retreat environment. We offer retreat based group healing staffed by those who understand the pain left behind by abortion because we have been there.
The weekend is a Christian, specifically Catholic retreat. Although, individuals of all faiths are welcome! Our mission is rooted in compassion, offering a safe space for individuals to explore their faith and find support, healing and hope after abortion.
The goal of the weekend retreat is to guide wounded souls on a journey that leads to healing by reuniting them with Christ in a tangible and safe environment.
Those who enter the vineyard for healing will have the opportunity to allow Christ to transform them from an empty and broken vessel to become whole again overflowing with the living water of Christ.
Now is the time to knock and the door will be opened...
Post Abortion Healing Resources:
Pro-Life Office of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Post Abortion National Hotline
ProLife News: